
We would like to keep you up to date about what's happening at InAxtion and what we are currently working on, including developments in our market segment and interesting background articles.

InAxtion Employees Can Sign Up For Free Dutch Lessons – Here’s How

Working Hours In The Netherlands – Your Questions Answered

From Chef To Shipbuilder: How Pedro Ezequiel Swapped Kitchens For Superyachts

Making The Right Connections – How To Feel At Home In The Netherlands

Income Tax In The Netherlands – What InAxtion Employees Need To Know

The Perfect Fit – Opportunities For Pipefitters In The Netherlands

Life In A New Land – 6 Tips For EU Workers Visiting The Netherlands

The Man Behind The Mask – Boilermaker Angelo Papageorgiou Shares His Story

How InAxtion Offers Job Security For EU Workers In The Netherlands

Home Sweet Home – Accommodation Services For inAxtion Employees

Engineering Excellence: Career Prospects For Engineers In The Netherlands

Everyday Engineer – E&I Technician Marco Gonçalves Shares His Story

5 Rules And Regulations Affecting EU Citizens Working In The Netherlands

Energizing Careers – Why Electricians From The EU Choose The Netherlands

Sinterklaas Is Coming To Town: A Guide For Newcomers To The Netherlands

XPA Certification – What It Is And Why It Matters

New to the Netherlands? Here are 5 things you need to know about Dutch culture

5 Upcoming Engineering Projects In The Netherlands

InAxtion Employee Survey Results 2023

Your Rights In The Netherlands

The Why Behind InAxtion

The Importance Of Everyday Health And Safety

You really don’t want to miss these Dutch events

Nice, you are starting a project with us. And then? This is what you can expect!

The energy transition: so much more than windmills

Crazy Dutch people

Think of InAxtion as a warm home

Work that suits your skills and ambition

Job conditions are as important as salary

Are you contributing to sustainability

Selecting the right employer

Does discrimination at work still happen?

Privacy regulations to change significantly

A holiday reduces (long-term) sickness absence

3 tips for choosing the right agency

We opt for CO2 neutral

InAxtion sponsors cyriel's run

A quarter of a century... Congratulations, Hans!

Sustainable office: demands technical staff

How good are you at gardening?

InAxtion opens branch in Bergen op Zoom

Immigrants good for employment?

Results InAxtion study: 1+1 turns out te be 3

Implementation regulations mandatory use BSN

Economic recovery: focus on growth

About mushrooms and economic recovery

Permanent or flexible personnel?

Cheap labour is not necessarily cheap

Technical personnel: The difference is in the detail

Participating in the harbout run for charity

Demand for sustainability changes the requirements

Working with freelancers

The oil crash: good idea?

InAxtion invests in cherry picker training

Good technicians and long-term employment

I want to work with computers!

Holidays and better technical staff

Suspected exploitation migrant workers

Training E&I mechanics to be E&I technicians

Home sweet flex-home

The Dutch 'work and social security' act

Making friends at work

Hiring successfull staff

InAxtion is on the move!

The new personal data protection act

How independent are your personnel?

InAxtion: most succesful business of the year?

Hans Rathunde: 12,5 years with InAxtion!

Season of festive cheer

Have you sorted out your health insurance?

Proud of 3 X 12,5 years of service

Well done, Scorpions

Great gas and water project

Scorpions team start on their trip

12,5 years of service for Mathias Berndt

25th Anniversary at the company

Keep it sustainable!

inAxtion wants to be the best

InAxtion sponsoring the scorpions teams

New InAxtion cars

Great job, great place to stay

National construction day

Rockanje Classic Races

Benefit from the CO2 performance ladder

Working with technical personnel from abroad

InAxtion on television

CO2 Awareness Certificate Level 3

'Verzet 010': race against childhood cancer

How to raise levels of productivity

The Amsterdam office has moved

Orange babies

New InAxtion website: For the best match

Frank in Axtion

Remember timely renewal of your ID

Major maintenance work at shell Pernis

Assessing skills

Safe working pratices at work

Labour Standard Register

New NBBU collective agreement
